
There was another kiss you didn't see on The Bachelorette last week. But we have it right here.

Four days on and we’re still thinking about THAT KISS between Georgia Love and Cameron on The Bachelorette.

But according to the show’s official Facebook page, there was another smooth between the pair that we didn’t get to see.

Channel 10 posted the photo over the weekend, of Cam and Georgia having a smooch while reenacting the adorable pasta eating scene from Disney classic Lady and the Tramp.

While we’re all for seeing more lip action between G-Love and our favourite hunky fireman, fans of the show were not happy, saying they felt “ripped off” by the cut scene.

“I’m not happy we didn’t see this!” commented one viewer on the photo.

“I realise they aren’t able to show it all but they could have cut some helicopter stuff out for this.”

Check out the latest episode of Bach Chat:

“Come on guys I would rather see genuine footage than be mislead,” wrote another.

Others compared the behind-the-scenes shots to the latest Bachelor season, saying that if we’d seen such interactions between Alex and Richie, their relationship might have been better accepted by the public.

"How can we the viewers really know what's going on between the couples when we are clearly not seeing most of the dates and their interactions!" wrote one fan.

All we know is that this cements one thing: Cam is a clear favourite, both with Georgia and the Australian public.

See which guys are still in the competition for Georgia's heart:

Meet the men of The Bachelorette 2016

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