Break out the champagne. It’s time to celebrate because any research that let’s parents off the never-ending guilt cycle is research worth sharing.
You know all those times you put your little one in front of Peppa Pig and raced off to fold the laundry consumed with guilt that you were harming her forever more?
Well guilt be banished.
Remember all those looks you tried to ignore as your snotty, sniveling toddler played Monkey Lunch box on your phone while you walked around Target?
Well guilt trip yourself no more.
It turns out all those years of anguish about the fact my now eight-year old learnt his colours, numbers AND alphabet from ABC Kids was wasted.
(Even if he does say “zee” rather than zed.)
Because screen time is actually not that bad for our kids.
You wanna read that line again because I do.
Real proper experts have shown that the big elephant in the corner of each and every room and in the handbag of each and every mum is not so bad after all.
How about that?
One of the leading bodies on childhood health has changed their recommendations for screen time.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has revised their guidelines for screen time in order to keep up with the times.