
The new "naked" dating show that shocked us to tears.

Just when you thought you’d seen every variant of reality television dating shows, SBS comes up with an absolute cracker.

Undressed is the latest series that aims to ‘find love’ for its contestants by creating an environment that cultivates an emotional and physical connection.

Two strangers are placed in a room with a double bed and a television. The television either asks questions or states instructions and the participants follow accordingly.

It’s raw. It’s unscripted. And it’s totally addictive.

Listen to Laura and Tiffany battle it out about why Undressed divided them so strongly on The Binge. 


Host Laura Brodnik was joined by TV critic and former Dolly editor Tiffany Dunk to discuss the show on the first The Binge podcast for 2017.

Tiffany was quick to criticise the show for its inability to capture the awkward nuance of real life dating.

“It was awkward but not in a First Dates sort of way… and that’s what I love about so many of the other dating shows – it’s those relatable moments,” she said.

“This is so forced, so scripted. I just think so unnecessary. I never thought I’d meet a dating show I didn’t love but it turns out Undressed may just be that show for me.”

Laura disagreed with Tiffany’s view and said the show’s inclusive casting and raw conversations were a breath of fresh, realistic air.

“I found it incredibly truthful because they had people from all different walks of life, and sexuality and race and background. They’d all come on this show to have these really honest conversations.” she said.

“I felt like I learned so much from these people and I wasn’t expecting that.”

“This one woman’s saying, ‘I’m a single mother and I’ve had this terrible journey with love’ and then a picture flashed up on the screen of her and her mother and her mother had died and I just felt – I was nearly in tears!”

Tiffany once again disagreed, and pointed out how such reveals were simply the result of clever production rather than true honesty.

"I don't know how honest or organic any of that was and I think that's my problem with it," she said.

"I thought being told to kiss and being told to talk about racism - you know, it's not organic... I hope I never have to watch that show again... and I'll watch anything."

Agree? Disagree? Give it a go at the very least.

You can watch the first four episodes of Undressed on SBS's online portal SBS ON DEMAND.

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