
Saturday's news in 2 minutes

NSW reportedly on the road to legalising gay marriage.





1. NSW appears set to be the first state to legalise gay marriage. Fairfax reports that a cross-party group of MPs have been revising the Same Sex Marriage Bill 2013 with the intention of introducing it in the next session of Parliament.

2. The NSW State Parole Authority has announced that it intends to grant parole to one of the Skaf gang-rapists. 29-year-old Mohamed Sanoussi has been denied parole three times since being imprisoned 13 years ago. The Skaf gang were a notorious 14-man gang, which raped several girls in Sydney in 2000.

3. Huge crowds gathered in Tahrir Square overnight in support of the Egyptian defence minister‘s call for a mandate to end terrorism on the street of Cairo. General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi wishes to put an end to the protests that have been held by Islamist organisation, the Muslim Brotherhood, since former President Mohamed Morsi was ousted earlier this month.

4. Ariel Castro, the man who imprisoned, raped and beat three women in his Ohio home, has pleaded guilty to 937 counts in a deal to escape the death penalty. Castro’s prosecutors recommended that he be sentenced to life without parole plus 1000 years.

5. A Sydney father is still on the run after abducting his own child at knifepoint yesterday. While baby Zhaiden was returned to Campbelltown police station yesterday afternoon, police are still searching for the 24-year-old man. It has now been revealed that the man broke two AVOs put in place to protect the child’s mother, but was never charged.

6. The boyfriend of Melbourne woman, Tracy Connelly, who was murdered last weekend has spoken out. Tony Melissovas told News: “She’s my angel, my beautiful brown-eyed girl. I’ve never loved anyone the way I loved her, and I never will. She was my soul mate. We fell in love from the moment we met each other.” The couple had been together for 19 years.

7. The terminally ill co-creator of The Simpsons has announced that he is giving his entire fortune to charity. Sam Simon, who created the successful series with Matt Groening, was diagnosed with colon cancer five months ago.

8. Hasbro have released a new Monopoly board, designed to fit in with the children of today’s busy schedules and short attention spans. The new Monopoly Empire is takes just 30 minutes to play, even removing the Jail square to keep the game moving quickly. 

Top Comments

Anon 11 years ago

How on earth can anyone abduct their own child?

It's crap, I'd bet a penny to a pound he's been denied time with his son. I'd also guess the AVO was granted for bullshit reasons.

If We keep treating men like crap there's going to be a backlash.

Michelle 11 years ago

You obviously missed the part that mentioned the child was abducted at knifepoint. Or do you think that's another "bullshit" reason for an AVO?

Are you serious?? 11 years ago

The man ABDUCTED his child at KNIFE POINT and had TWO previous AVO's against him??? I am sure there are some women who put domestic complaints out on their partners just as a tool to prevent their child seeing them, but who are we or you for that matter to assume that these complaints are not genuine?? Frankly, the fact he then went to abduct the child "AT KNIFE POINT" does not scream innocence!

Anon 11 years ago

Courts in NSW will grant an AVO for as little as 4 text messages or phone calls a day. All the woman has to do is say she's scared. There's no proof needed, just an accusation. Bullshit AVO's do nothing but demean the real need for them.

You don't know what pushed this guy over the edge either, was he allowed to see his kid? Had his ex ignored a court order for him to see his kid? The facts are that you don't know. So stop being so judgemental just because it's the bloke in strife.

Anon 11 years ago

Yes, I'm deadly serious. You don't know all the facts, you just know the end result and you'd have him locked up for years.

How do you know what happened to get him to that point? You think men wake up and think "I've got a good idea, I'll go and wave a knife in the ex's face". Those things don't happen out of the clear blue sky.

I'm merely asking if there is more to this than meets the eye, and the more I read silly comments like yours the more I think that something diabolical has happened in this man's life to make him take such drastic action.

Not that you care, he's got a dick, therefore he's guilty.

Yve 11 years ago

I really hope NSW does not legalise same-sex marriage. I do not support it and will always believe that a true marriage can only ever be between man and woman. I know that I will cop some abuse for saying that, but it's my opinion.

goose 11 years ago

If you don't believe in gay marriage, don't marry someone the same sex as you.

Antipop 11 years ago

Do you have a valid argument as to why it's wrong? (doubt it)
Why should your opinion dictate the rest of societies way of life?

Anon 11 years ago

Yve doesn't need a "valid" argument, all it takes is a belief that it's wrong for it to be a valid opinion.

Don't forget, what is valid to you could be complete rubbish to someone else.