real life

Sarah was 'abducted by sex traffickers' a month ago. Now, she's reunited with her family.

Seventeen-year-old Sarah Dunsey was last seen on January 15 at the MGM Grand hotel in Las Vegas.

The Utah teenager was on a trip to the city with friends. Then, she vanished.

Her parents staunchly believed she had been abducted by sex traffickers and was being held against her will.

Now, more than a month after he went missing, Sarah has had an emotional reunion with her family – but police have not yet confirmed what happened to Sarah in the time she was gone.

In a video shared on Facebook, Sarah can be seen hugging her family.

"Sibling love. It was an emotional reunion last night!" the caption read.

"Many people are curious about what happened and are anxious to hear more details. We will share a little bit more in the coming week. We appreciate your continued support and kindness."

Last week, the teenager's mother, Amie Ellis, posted an emotional plea for the public to help bring her daughter home.

"Sarah was abducted on January 15th from Las Vegas," she said in the video.

"She is being held against her will and Sarah is a victim of sex trafficking. This is my absolute worst nightmare."

The video also claimed Sarah sent her family a chilling final text message before she disappeared.

"If I die tonight it's a guy named [name withheld]," the text read.

Amie ended the appeal with an emotional message for her daughter.

"Sarah Bearah, this message is for you. I want you to fight," she said.

"Because I need you. All of us need you. We're coming to get you..."

Initial reports suggest Sarah was found in Venice, California, and was rescued by the FBI after the public sent in tips to find her.

"We found our Sarah Bearah!" a message on the Help Us Find Sarah Dunsey Facebook page read on the weekend.

"Thank you all for sharing, getting Sarah's face out there, and helping us to find her. Thank you to the people that sent us the tips that found her...Thank you for helping my baby girl come home."

The circumstances surrounding Sarah's disappearance have not been confirmed, but according to Fox 13, two men who were found with Sarah have been taken into custody.

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Top Comments

the other anon 8 years ago

Is it just me who thinks this sounds fishy? What sort of parents jump straight to "they've been abducted by sex traffickers"! Seems a wide leap or there's a lot of missing information!
Glad she's safe though