
Fans are deeply divided over the error on The Block that led to a couple's walk-out.

After hinting at a walk-out for weeks, The Block’s controversial ‘villain couple’ finally made it happen.

While promos for an upcoming episode suggest their return, on Sunday night it seemed like Sara and Hayden were done with the renovation show for good.

They were devastated after receiving harsh feedback for their master ensuite bathroom, and received the lowest score out of the five couples for the third week in a row.

“We’re just being made to look like absolute fools,” an emotional Sara told cameras after filming.

“That bathroom did not deserve to be last … you know what? I’m f**king walking. I don’t want to do this.”

Trying to revive themselves after the past two room challenges, Hayden and Sara tried to lock in a positive reaction from the judges with a $75,000 luxurious and expensive ensuite bathroom fit-out that made The Block history.

"We have put everything into the bathroom, all our cards are on the table, we're showing everyone what we're actually made of," said Sara.

In their arsenal was a feature marble wall, herringbone tiling and an $11,000 brass bathtub. And while the judges loved the tub, this alone is where their positive feedback stopped.

Instead, Shaynna Blaze, Neale Whitaker and guest judge and real estate specialist, John McGrath, criticised the master ensuite for its poor layout and overall design.

"I don't think it belongs in this bathroom," said Neil

"The rest of the bathroom doesn't feel like it goes."

Relaying the feedback, host Scott Cam had these final words.

"In summary your bathroom this week is a mix of triumph and disaster and your judges are very concerned about the lack of direction in your apartment design," he said, with Shaynna even offering a private mentoring session with the couple - something they apprehensively accepted.

Although they kept their composure during the group judging, the pair were clearly disappointed at receiving the lowest score out the five couples, with Sara storming off the set.

Speaking to a producer, she launched into a expletive-heavy rant.

“We put our heart and soul into that. F**k ’em. I don’t want to do this any more. I’m over it. Ah, f**k this," Sara said.

“This was the biggest mistake of my entire life. We don’t want to be here any more. I’m done. It’s embarrassing. You don’t f**king get it. It’s f**king embarrassing.”

And although they will continue to compete, the chances of them being the first contestants to ever walk out of The Block mid-season are clearly high.

Reacting to the drama, there was a mixed response from fans on social media. Some criticised Sara for her tantrum, while others didn't think the couple deserved the harsh feedback.

This is what they had to say.

What did you think Sara and Hayden's bathroom and more importantly her reaction? Tell us in a comment.

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Top Comments

random dude au 6 years ago

I heard someone say that's the sort of bath they imagine Trump would use - now I can't get the image out of my mind. Halp!

Funbun 6 years ago

I don't understand what about shiny metal surrounded by gaudy marble would remind someone of Trum.... oh wait...

5 little ducks 6 years ago

When will people learn that expensive doesn’t necessarily mean classy or better? They could get the same look for way less.