
Roxy Jacenko opens up about her biggest regret following her breast cancer diagnosis.

PR Guru Roxy Jacenko announced that she had shockingly being diagnosed with breast cancer last week.

She has now told Fairfax Media that she regrets not being more “vigilant” when it comes to her breast health, considering her family history.

Jacenko’s mother Doreen Jacenko was diagnosed with breast cancer ten years ago and she her treatment included a mastectomy.

Roxy Jacenko discovered a lump in her breast while showering a few weeks ago.

"I should have known better and I should have done routine mammograms knowing that my mum had suffered from breast cancer – but I didn't, I just thought, 'I'll worry about that when I am 40 plus," Jacenko said.

"Even when you think, 'that will never happen to me,' one day you could wake up to start the day and it will – just like me."

Jacenko is urging other women to not make the same mistake she did.

How to self-examine your breasts for changes. Post continues after video...

"Don't just happen to be showering and come across a lump like I did," Jacenko said.

Meanwhile, Doreen Jacenko told The Daily Telegraph that she is certain her daughter will also beat the disease.

"She will tackle this head on as she does with everything, exactly as I did 10 years ago," she declared. "I am sure, now we are 10 years down the line with breast cancer treatment ­advances, her treatments will be as positive as mine were."

It has been a difficult few months for Jacenko, as her husband Oliver Curtis was recently found guilty of insider trading and jailed for two years.

We wish Roxy a speedy recovery.

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