
Roxy Jacenko's full court letter details life in her high-powered household.

Roxy Jacenko‘s full letter to the NSW Supreme Court asking Justice Lucy McCallum to spare her husband jail time details the complicated childcare arrangements of the high-powered couple including their difficulties securing a new nanny.

Yesterday we reported that Jacenko had written a letter to the judge asking that her husband Oliver Curtis not be jailed as he was the “primary carer” of Pixie, 4, and Hunter, 2, and Jacenko’s work at her firm Sweaty Betty PR would be harmed should he be imprisoned.

Curtis is facing five years behind bars for insider trading.

Read Roxy's submission to the court.

In her three page letter to the court Jacenko details the fact her current nanny, Camille Sweeney, who looks after a multitude of duties, and holidays with the couple to give them time to work and relax, has resigned and has not yet been replaced.

“Our current nanny, who attends to the school drop off and pick up of the kids as well as general shopping has been with us for some time as she completed her nursing studies. She also travelled with us on family holidays so that I can continue to work remotely and so that Oli can have a break,” writes Jacenko.

“However, she is leaving us in August to pursue a full-time nursing career. This has been a pre-planned arrangement that we have known about for some time. We have advertised on multiple employment sites for a suitable replacement and are still attempting to find someone who can work the hours required, and provide a longer term commitment.”

Jacenko describes her husband as a reliable, honest and hard-working family man who acts as primary carer for their children while she juggles her successful PR business.

“I manage a team of over 25 staff and often work late into the evening in order to manage these businesses. Clients requires hands on attendance both during the week and on weekends. I would describe my role in public relations/talent management/event management as being a 24 hours, 7 days a week job” she writes to the court.

The Jacenko-Curtis family.

“While I have a team of staff to assist me, I am the face of the business and my clients demand a personal touch. As a result I work long hours and ensure I’m contactable by clients at all times. This has meant taking only limited time off work when my children were born and pressing ahead with business commitments (such as presenting a seminar to a large audience) despite still receiving medical treatment for complications following surgery.

“Because of my work hours, I would describe Oli as the primary carer of Pixie and Hunter. He attends to large parts of their pre-school commitments and after school care. He generally manages the meals for them.

“He is generally the one who is home to ensure that they have dinner, are bathed and put to bed. Additionally, it is often the case that Pixie and Hunter are looked after by Oli alone on weekends as my job involves weekend work for various events and clients who require that I am onsite during their appearances or events.”

Roxy Jacenko appeared on The Project earlier this year to discuss doctored images of her daughter Pixie. Post continues after video…

Jacenko’s statement further details the couple’s childcare arrangements and their difficulty finding the right type of childcare:

“My mother Doreen lives in the apartment upstairs and provides our family with support and occasional childcare when we need it. However, she also provides me business support and has her own commitments.

“Live-in childcare has not been possible, in part due to our home being a three bedroom apartment, and in part because of privacy concerns.”

“Oli and I have worked hard to make sure that the childcare arrangements we have in place are long lasting, so that Pixie and Hunter do not have too many people come and go in their lives. We’ve also worked hard to make sure they have a parent in their lives as much as possible, rather than having extended time with carers, despite out busy work lives. Our efforts have been focused on ensuring the best for both Pixie and Hunter.”

Justice McCallum is due to announce her sentence on Friday.

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Top Comments

Celia Gooden 8 years ago

Another Roxy Jacenko bashing by the purported hero of working women. It is a disgrace that you have this undying need to drag this woman down. Why? Why Mia? You put yourself on Tele, especially Channel nine any chance you get, sprouting your 'I'm a perfect example of a 'new age' working perfect self effacing mum. No, you're not. You are an example of the new age anti working mum, you are a fake and you should be ashamed for your underlying reason for undermining Roxy Jacenko. I would gladly sit opposite you and challenge your reason for constantly trying to bring her down..

guest 8 years ago

I think what most of you fail to realise is that Roxy (nor her family) have never asked nor expected you to feel sorry for her.

If you put aside the wealth, instagramming, and media-BS (which really have no bearing on whether Curtis goes to jail or not) - what you have left, seems to be a hard working woman, who loves her husband, and doesn't want to break up their family.

Of course she is going to do everything she can to avoid losing him, she is his wife and the mother of his children.

Benj 8 years ago

You're absolutely correct. Somewhere along the way we missed the point. Oli committed a serious felony and as such he should take it like a man and cop it sweet. Irrespective of what his devoted and loving wife may feel.
PS: hoping the above reference to taking it like a man is perceived as sexist. It is not. Oli is a man, he should accept whatever punishment is dishes his way. Simple.