
For NSW and Victoria, we can see the end of the tunnel. Here's what the roadmap out of lockdown looks like.

After months of lockdown, New South Wales and Victoria have finally been given a look at our pathway to freedom.

This month, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced their roadmaps to opening up their state and easing restrictions amid the current COVID-19 outbreak. 

Both states are following the national plan outlined earlier this year, which will see Australian borders reopen and the chance of lockdowns become less likely. 

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However, while both NSW and Victoria are aiming to bring back much missed freedoms and return to normal, they have taken different pathways to get there. 

Here's how NSW and Victoria's roadmaps compare. 

When will NSW and VIC hit the 70 and 80 per cent targets? 

Both states plan to relax restrictions once 70 per cent and 80 percent of their eligible population age 16 and over have received both jabs of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

For Victoria, the 70 per cent goal is expected to be reached on October 26, before the state hits 80 per cent around November 5, according to the state's roadmap. 

In NSW, the 70 per cent target is expected to be reached earlier, on October 18. But NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said we could very well hit the goal before that date.

"We’re feeling more and more confident that the dates we’ve previously assumed we might hit that double dose figure could actually be earlier," she said last week. 

According to the ABC, we could even reach the milestone as early as October 8. 

What happens at 70 per cent of the population hits double dose vaccination?

The 70 per cent goal will bring much missed freedoms for the people of NSW and Victoria. But there are differences on what people in each state can expect.

In Victoria, the milestone is expected to bring an end to Melbourne's lockdown and the curfew. However, no visitors will be allowed to visit your home, aside from the rules around intimate partners and caregiving.

"The reasons to leave your home in the curfew will no longer be in place. Lockdown will be off," Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said on Sunday. 

Meanwhile in NSW, only fully vaccinated people and those with medical exemptions will be able to enjoy the relaxed restrictions.


People living in Melbourne and regional Victoria will see different restrictions ease when the state hits the 70 per cent target. 

Aside from the lockdown ending, 10 fully vaccinated people will be able to gather outdoors in Melbourne and 50 fully vaccinated people will be able to attend a wedding or funeral outdoors. 

Pubs, clubs, entertainment will open to 50 fully vaccinated patrons outdoors and up to five fully vaccinated people can attend hair and beauty sessions indoors. 

Meanwhile, in regional Victoria, indoor community sports can return and pubs, clubs, entertainment will open to 30 fully vaccinated people indoors.

For funerals and weddings, 30 fully vaccinated people are allowed indoors and 100 fully vaccinated people are allowed outdoors. 

Across the state, masks will still need to be worn indoors and outdoors.

New South Wales.

In NSW, up to five visitors will be allowed to gather in a home where all adults are vaccinated. However, this does not include children 12 years old and under. Up to 20 fully vaccinated people can also meet outdoors.

Retail stores can fling open their doors, subject to the 1 person per 4sqm rule. Unvaccinated people will still only be able to access critical retail such as grocery stores. Hospitality venues can also reopen, subject to 1 person per 4sqm inside and 1 person per 2sqm outside. 

Hairdresser and nail salons can open, subject to the 1 person per 4sqm rule and will be capped at five clients. Gyms and indoor recreation facilities can open indoors under the 1 person per 4sqm rule and classes can be held for up to 20 people. Sporting facilities including swimming pools can also reopen.

Major recreation outdoor facilities including stadiums, racecourses, theme parks and zoos can reopen with 1 person per 4sqm, capped at 5000 people. And up to 500 people can attend ticketed and seated outdoor events. 

Indoor entertainment and information facilities including cinemas, theatres, music halls, museums and galleries can reopen with the 1 person per 4sqm density rule, or 75 per cent fixed seated capacity. 

Up to 50 guests can attend weddings and funerals, while churches and places of worship will be subject to 1 person per 4sqm rule.

Masks will also need to be worn indoors but only hospitality staff will need to wear them outdoors.

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What happens 80 per cent of the population hits double dose vaccination?


When the state hits 80 per cent double dose vaccination, expected to be on November 5, both metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria will be able to enjoy the same freedoms.

Masks will only be required to be worn indoors, indoor community sport can resume and up to 10 people (including dependents) can attend household gatherings. 

Up to 150 fully vaccinated people can dine indoors while up to 30 can gather in public outside. 

Pubs, restaurants and cafes can seat up to 150 fully vaccinated people indoors and 500 outdoors. Meanwhile, for weddings, funerals and religious services, 150 fully vaccinated people are allowed indoors and up to 500 outdoors.

Shopping will also be back on the table with all retail opening. Hair, beauty and personal care will also be open to fully vaccinated people.

In terms of education, early learning and childcare will open, all students will return to school and adult education will return for fully vaccinated Victorians. 

For work, it's recommend that people work from home if they can, otherwise they can return to the office if fully vaccinated.

Once 80 per cent of Victorians aged 12 years and older have received two doses of the vaccine, restrictions will align with the national plan. 

And in other good news, Christmas gatherings with friends and family are back on the table. 

According to the roadmap, Victorians will be allowed to have up to 30 visitors to their home by December 25.

New South Wales.

The NSW government is yet to announce what restrictions will ease when the state hits 80 per cent double dose. 

However, according to the ABC, the government "intends to open up further freedoms around international travel, community sport, major events and other areas."

Feature Image: Getty/Mamamia.

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Top Comments

rush 3 years ago
The end is just about in sight. 6 weeks until we're at 80%. I'm not the most patient person, this is really going to be a long few weeks. Can't wait until we can visit people again, I hope my nephews are prepared for the hugging of a lifetime!