ADHD Resource Centre



'I roasted my husband in my wedding speech. 12 years later, it's not quite so funny.'


Why some people eat the same food every single day for years.

Hazel Flight
Hazel Flight
real life

'I was diagnosed with ADHD and left my husband at the same time. Here’s what dating has been like.'

Anita Carr
Anita Carr

'I discovered I had ADHD.' 10 women on the most surprising thing about giving up alcohol.

Sarah Rusbatch
Sarah Rusbatch

'My partner has ADHD. Here are 5 things we've had to do differently since his diagnosis.'

Anisha Premawardhana
Anisha Premawardhana
real life

Sally Hepworth's behaviour became a running joke among friends. Then she was diagnosed with ADHD.

Belinda Jepsen
Belinda Jepsen
parent opinion

'I’m the mum of an 11-year-old child with ADHD and I hate the diagnosis.'

Lisa McAully
Lisa McAully

'I was recently diagnosed with ADHD. Here's why the new ADHD guidelines are so important.'

Janna Linke
Janna Linke

"I'm not hyperactive." 3 women on what life is really like as an adult with ADHD.

Kelly Eden
Kelly Eden

A step-by-step guide for getting assessed for ADHD as an adult in Australia.

Kelly Eden
Kelly Eden

No Filter: What happened when I was diagnosed with ADHD at 49.


Part 2 of Mia Freedman’s Essay About Being Diagnosed With ADHD at 49.

Mia Freedman
Mia Freedman

"I hope to no longer be my harshest critic." What it's like being diagnosed with ADHD at 38.

Janna Linke
Janna Linke
real life

'People are joking 'everyone's got ADHD'. I wish it was a choice.'

Emma Gillespie
Emma Gillespie

It's hard for women to get diagnosed with ADHD. Just ask Abbie Chatfield.

Katie Stow
Katie Stow

'I'm 26 and I just started medication for ADHD. Life is finally starting to make sense to me.'

Emma Shao
Emma Shao

'I was diagnosed with ADHD at 37. It gave me a complete identity crisis.'

Anita Carr
Anita Carr

'It took my psychiatrist 10 years to realise I had ADHD. Here’s why I’m not angry at them.'

Lauren Irvine
Lauren Irvine
parent opinion

'I suffer from time-blindness.' The daily mental load of being a mum with ADHD.

Susie Hopkins
Susie Hopkins

'I'll never be as good as other mums.' Kate has 3 kids. She also has ADHD.

Gemma Bath
Gemma Bath
real life

'As a child, I was deemed lazy and disorganised. Years later, I was diagnosed with ADHD.'

Shannon Ashley
Shannon Ashley