
"The Goldilocks of sex toys." A same-sex couple review a Remote Control Knicker Vibrator.

On the hunt for a new sex toy? Unsure what to go for and whether or not you need a newly fandangled suction element? Well, BREATHE. Because the Mamamia sex toy reviews are here to help. We get real women to get real intimate with real sex toys and then tell us about them.

This week Sally and Margy, a couple in their early 50s, reviews Mantric Rechargeable Remote Control Knicker Vibrator - a clit-focussed vibrator that can be controlled by someone else - by Lovehoney.

What does the sex toy claim to do?

It says that it can provide glorious orgasms without taking your clothes off, has 10 functions, allows you to hand over the control to your partner and is waterproof.

What was your first impression of the sex toy? (Just by looking at it)

This sex toy is compact, well designed and - in our opinion - super cute.

Image: Lovehoney.


How much is the sex toy? And do you think it’s worth it?

$100 - which is insanely great value for a rechargeable waterproof gadget.

What was it like using the sex toy? And how did it really feel?

This little pocket knicker vibrator is sold as an insert to your underpants, so that's what we did - popped it in our undies and took control.

As a same-sex couple we could see benefits beyond a solo encounter and it didn't disappoint. We could dial up the pulses and stop and start to tease each other. We didn't take it out of the house, but the temptation to try it when we're out at an event is high!

Listen to this episode of the Sealed Section. Post continues after podcast.

It's a small guy, but very well designed. It sometimes needed to be guided into place but when it was there, it was just right. A Goldilocks moment, if you will.

Describe the sex toy in three words:

Small yet mighty.

Image: Lovehoney.


What score would you give the sex toy out of 10?


This sex toy is best for people who want…

To either start their sex toy journey or for constant travellers, as it's super easy to pack into your carry on.

Any final words?

To vibe or not to vibe? ...VIBE, obviously. 

Found a sex toy that you want to talk about? Let us know in the comments.

While you think about that, have a cheeky watch of men hilariously trying to explain sex toys. 

Video via YouTube.
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