I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a lot of people from many diverse backgrounds and in their own way, however big or small they have all taught me something, but the lessons that have been the most profound have come from negative situations and people of the older generation and sadly the ones closer to death.
As children we are carefree, we live in the here and now and we rarely care about anything but the present moment, and this is a thing of beauty in and of itself to be that free. Unfortunately, the innocence of childhood doesn’t last too long and before we know it we are young adults and quickly become aware of the responsibilities, horrors, and atrocities in the world.
Many, if not all of us have uttered something similar to ” Oh, to be young and carefree again ” reminiscing about things we did as carefree children, however, the reality is we can’t go back in time, so why not try having that same living for the moment mindset now as adults, live for today so that we aren’t wracked with regrets later in life. I know that’s a lot harder to put into practice with the reality and chaos of life but take each day as it comes.