When I envision myself in the second trimester the first time around, I was glowing.
Now, three short yet excruciatingly long years later, number two has taken up residence in my belly.
As I look at my puffy eyes in the mirror and try to recall how long it’s actually been since I washed my hair, I’m struggling to imagine (let alone recreate) the feelings of vitality I hoped might join me again at this point of pregnancy.
Watch: Be a good mum. Post continues below.
I think back to the pregnant woman whose primary concern was whether cloth or disposable nappies were the way to go while scouring the shelves of our local library for picture books on how babies are made and born, or googling "preparing kids for a new sibling", and resent her lack of responsibilities.
I remember the couple who tripped across the countryside and booked a babymoon complete with a jacuzzi on a whim - because parents-to-be who are not-yet-parents can do spontaneous things like that - and am jealous about their dual wages arriving fortnightly, savings buffer in the bank, and weekends off.