Anxiety is an invalid excuse. I just got back to my room after a failed attempt to go to class. I’m sitting here, writing this, trying to think of something to email my professor to sugarcoat what I’m feeling, to really drive home the point that class today was unbearable for me.
You see, if it was the flu or a bad head cold this would be easy. I would simply relay the symptoms and be excused with a general “feel better” and a hidden relief that I wouldn’t be getting anyone else sick. To send an email saying I just had to take a breather on a 4th Ave. step because my lungs felt as if they were collapsing and my body was shaking so badly I could hardly walk doesn’t do the trick.
Anxiety is an invalid excuse. I was supposed to go out to dinner with my friends a few nights ago but couldn’t get myself out of bed due to some unwelcomed existential dread about nothing in particular.
No, it wasn’t something my horoscope said. It wasn’t something I was anticipating in the upcoming week. I wasn’t “nervous.” I was simply incapable. “But it’ll be fun,” they said. “You never go out with us.”
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Thank you
I feel sorry for what you are going through, the problem is though that many, many people are struggling with some major problem and are expected to just get on with things, and often have to take up the slack for someone else who says they are suffering depression/anxiety etc. And it is difficult to determine who are genuine and who are just slackers. For instance I went through a very bad phase at one stage due to a number of issues including a bad breakup, but didn't get medical help but felt like ending it all. But the thing is I'm the kind of person even if I am really extremely depressed I always function fine, so I can work, seem fine on the outside but just miserable inside. But because I seemed fine I was having to pick up all the work for a woman at my work who would get out of every job because she was supposedly depressed and anxious. Now obviously people do suffer this, but in her case it always seemed if it was a boring or annoying task or inconvenient to her that she would pull this card out. She is very very sneaky, but no one can challenge it because supposedly she is depressed, but even if she is genuinely depressed it means that someone else has to do her work, so what if we are all depressed at work? Who does the work then? Of course I too could have got a diagnose that I was depressed but really I don't want my work colleagues knowing my personal details and also I was quite capable of doing my job so I didn't need to get the diagnose for work (though yes probably I should have to help my personal life) BUT what I did resent was that because I didn't get such a diagnose it meant that whilst they sugar coated everything for her, everybody else, including myself go the extra work dumped on us. It's not just that, what happens is that even people who are not officially depressed and maybe very happy people normally occassionally have bad problems and may have a few weeks where they feel really miserable, but often people aren't treated with kid gloves because the attitude is that they are fine so they don't need to be treated well. I think this in itself shows that everyone should be treated with respect and treated well without people actually having to resort to telling their supervisor that they are having a bad day/week.
Anyway I'm not trying to be unsympathetic, it is just that unfortunately the rest of us are expected to just get on with things, and the reality is if you lived in a third world country and had no family etc you would just have to get up and do things because otherwise you would not be able to survive.