
Racist comments about Meghan Markle might just lead to a politician's dismissal.

Warning: This post contains offensive racial slurs.

A UK politician’s girlfriend has put his career in jeopardy after it was revealed she wrote a series of vile, racist text messages about Meghan Markle.

The messages, published by The Mail on Sunday, come from the phone of 25-year-old Jo Marney, who UK Independence Party leader Henry Bolton recently left his wife for.

In the conversation with a male friend that’s almost too cruel to repeat, the glamour model calls Harry’s fiancee “wet as a scrubber” and a “dumb little actress no one has heard of”.

After the excerpt begins with the woman saying she doesn't like "black people" because they're "ugly" and the conversation turns to Markle, she is asked by her friend, "what's wrong with her?"

"She's a 'gender equality' t**t, " Marney starts.

"She's obsessed with race.

"And her seed with [sic] taint our royal family. Just a dumb little commoner."

The racist insults continue and when her friend calls her out, she responds, "lol. So what" before adding, "Not wanting other races and cultures to invade your own culture doesn't mean I hate their race. Just means I don't want their culture invading mine."

Listen: The rest of the world, including the Mamamia Out Loud team, love Meghan Markle. (Post continues.)

Marney has since apologised for the texts, claiming she was "to an extent... taken out of context".

In a statement to The Mail on Sunday she said: "No offence was intended and, again, I apologise unreservedly for any such offence or hurt that my messages have caused to members of the public, members of UKIP my friends, family and loved ones."

Upon learning of her messages from The Mail on Sunday, Marney was "immediately suspended" from the UK Independence Party.

But her boyfriend's future with the party he leads also looks in doubt. Especially, since some members had been calling for his resignation since he left his wife Tatiana Smurova for Marney.

The Mail reports his fate will most likely be known after an upcoming party meeting.

But from where we're sitting on the other side of the world, it doesn't look good.

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Top Comments

SS 7 years ago

I can’t believe people like this still exist. I think she is majorly jealous of Meghan.

guest 7 years ago

Meghan won't be the first mixed race membre of Britain's royal famikly.

Charlotte of Mecklenburg (1744–1818), born in NE Germany, was the Queen of Great Britain, consort of George III.
A Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz – a small duchy within the Holy Roman Empire – she was descended via six separate lines from Margarita de Castro, the daughter of Alfonso III of Portugal and his mistress, Mourana Gil, an African of Moorish descent.
It is often pointed out that there are distinct sub-Saharan aspects to portraits of Queen Charlotte, features that did not seem to be passed down to Charlotte’s grand-daughter, Queen Victoria, and through her to the current British royal family.
People in the Georgian court made note of the Queen’s ‘wide nose’. Her personal physician, Baron Stockmar, said in his autobiography that the Queen had a ‘true mulatto (mixed race) face’.

Philippa of Hainault (1314–1369), born in France, was the Queen-Consort of Edward III.
She was the daughter of the Count of Hainault in the Low Countries (now in Belgium), an area that had once been ruled by Moorish tribes.