
"People don't understand our relationship." Rachael Finch responds to critics of her parenting style.

Rachael Finch is a model, a dancer, a fitness instructor, and a social media influencer – she’s also a mum to 3-year-old Violet and newborn Dominic.

Like many parents she works hard to balance her career with her family life.

In a profile in Stellar, the busy mum has stood up for her controversial ‘part-time parenting’ practice that was widely criticised last year.

“People only see the outside, they don’t understand the intricacies of our relationship,” she told Stellar. “Also, Violet’s started going to birthday parties at weekends so she’s not at her grandma’s then.”

“Anyway, now we have Dominic she can’t look after two — well, not while he’s so little,” she added.

Finch, and her partner Michael Miziner, faced a lot of backlash in 2016 when they revealed Violet was looked after by her grandmother, Irena, from Friday nights through to Sunday mornings so they could enjoy time together.

Social media was quick to judge with many people commenting that she shouldn’t have had a child if she wasn’t prepared to parent full-time.

However, Rachael explained that because of their varying schedules she, along with Miziner, were actually able to look after Violet most of the week. Finch added that Violet is lucky to have extended family around her.

“If my mum hasn’t seen Violet for a couple of weeks she rings and demands to know why. She and my grandmother both love looking after her.”

The 28-year-old also came under fire when she posed in a bikini not long after giving birth to Violet. The former Miss Universe Australia said it was “lovely being able to shoot like that” but she wouldn’t do it again.

“Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. I love social media because it’s a great way to connect with the community around me and learn things from others. The downside is everyone can comment and sometimes those may not be the best comments.”

Rachael Finch is not a part-time parent. Post continues…

She also stood up for other high-profile mothers, like Bec Judd, who have been criticised for posting photos of their post-baby bodies online.

“Bec is a strong, courageous woman,” Finch said. “She’s running a busy household and several businesses. I admire her very much. She’s very intelligent and caring, she’s a kind mother and she’s doing so well.

“Nobody deserves to be made to feel like they’re a bad mother or spoken to in a cruel way, no matter who they are.”

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