who would want to see them? Totally irrelevant to Australia today and in the future
Yes - and Natio makes excellent sunscreen moisturizers
Biological sex is real, it is scientific fact. Those who identify as a different gender must be treated respectfully and transgender people who identify as female should not be demonised - but they are not biologically female. Does that really matter? When it leads to the erosion of womens rights and the minimization of being a women - yes it does. How you reconcile all this I do not know.
They are two extremely privileged people complaining about the royal family whilst at the same time clinging on to their titles and monetising their "suffering". If they had any integrity they would reject their titles.
Very powerful article and the death of each and every woman is a tragedy. Indigenous women face the challenges outlined in the article. However, it does not assist the debate to ignore the fact that statistically violence against indigenous women is overwhelmingly perpetuated by indigenous men. Why did the author only give the ethic background in one example - 'white' - and not in any of the other cases discussed?