User Comments

catlady81 August 31, 2024

This comment is going to super controversial but…I work at a school and we’ve had a sudden influx of students identifying as trans and/or diagnosed with ASD or ADHD. Most of these students are loners without stable families/friendships. They will often threaten self-harm when challenged about their behaviour. I have often wondered whether some (not all) have been attracted to these communities because it provides some sort of identity. I am not suggesting that all ADHD/ASD/Trans are faking, I just wonder if some young people are hijacking these groups because they want acceptance and to be special.

catlady81 August 8, 2024

I am a teacher, and I find it absolutely appalling that this has been allowed to go on. However, I can absolutely believe it. Unfortunately, even when class teachers intervene and try to get the situation dealt with, the behaviour policies that govern the schools are not strong enough. It's disappointing and disgusting. However, in the public school system these types of students cannot be expelled until the school has proven they have made many, many attempts to "support" the misbehaving child. It's ridiculous. If you can, change schools!

CatLady81 September 10, 2023

I don't know how to word this. I only just joined the community so I could have my say on this. Basically, I am horrified that women are even posting pics to group chats to mock other people. I don't do it. My friends don't do it. Because you're right. It is not mature behaviour. It benefits no one and if a friend did send me a pic of someone (internet famous or otherwise) with nasty comments it would make me think, well, are they making comments about me behind my back? I think it is more important to develop genuine self-esteem. That way, you don't care what other women/people are doing, because it genuinely doesn't affect you. Personally, I have better things to do with my time than worry about who got Botox or whose kitchen appliances match.