Clare, you are so clever! Your view on this is so insightful. Thank you for putting this into perspective.
I only tidy up for the summer season. I would never ever do a Brazilian as it is unhealthy for the vagina. But then again I am 50 and have never been influenced by the bald trend 😉
I asked my 17 year old daughter and she said she would never do Brazilian and I very happy with her answer 😊
This is a really good article. I fully agree with everything
I love Mindy. I’ve been a follower of her since she started
It makes me so happy reading this. I believe that we as women need to show our true age and be role models for younger women. It is brave choice to stay true to your age. I can only assume it is especially a hard choice for you Mia, because you are a public figure. I do hope you never cave for the Botox trap. Be brave and beautiful. Love you Mia!
I agree with Mia.
I understand that Beyoncé is promoting body positivity. However you don’t see a naked Harry Styles on his latest album cover.
So I agree with Mia, why are women always persistent in showing off their body.