Sounds like me. I once asked a mum from my daughters school for a play-date as my daughter had formed a nice friendship with her daughter. Sounds simple but it took a while for her to say yes and when she did, she said it had to be at her place. When the day came of the play-date, she was pressed for time. I have to leave at 11.30 sorry she would say. Before we left, I said we should arrange for a play-date at my place next time. She looks at her calendar on her phone and tell me there is no availability till the next year which was a couple of months away. Really made me feel rejected and I felt sad that my daughter couldn't have another play-date with a very good friend. I learnt my lesson that if someone wants to make the effort they will. I should of just asked her once about having a play-date in the first place. Not followed up like I did.