I you have not finished watching this episode of Wife Swap Australia the one on the bus but it seems like the children on the bus especially the mother is ignorant think you can live Life by life lessons but that's not everything her children do not know basic reading and writing and Maths what colours they are not dumb the mother is selfish and ignorant no one's perfect but that's just not right I'm dyslexic and I am done when it comes to reading and writing but they are not this is down to the parenting some of her methods to give good life qualities but coming from someone that is dyslexic little and don't understand colours is so bad but they are not giving this chant
I you have not finished watching this episode of Wife Swap Australia the one on the bus but it seems like the children on the bus especially the mother is ignorant think you can live Life by life lessons but that's not everything her children do not know basic reading and writing and Maths what colours they are not dumb the mother is selfish and ignorant no one's perfect but that's just not right I'm dyslexic and I am done when it comes to reading and writing but they are not this is down to the parenting