User Comments

trv September 9, 2024

Women dating/marrying men who are significantly older is nothing new, in fact it's been going on for... probably as long as humans have existed, and to imply that an age gap relationship exists purely for the pleasure of the older guy, is judgy and ignorant and giving these women zero credit for being grown ups who have many options and could very, very, very easily be dating a 25 year old if they wanted. But what 25 year old woman would choose an immature 25 year old guy if they have a hot, emotionally mature, ready-to-commit, got his sh*t together, 40 year old who's also interested? Age gap relationships suit both parties, as I'm sure many women reading this will know from first hand experience. 

trv March 2, 2023

Erin and Dave are friends of mine! Love your work Erin. You and Dave gave your children the most incredible experiences and had some awesome adventures. Hope to see you out on the water again one day ⛵️ 

trv September 19, 2022

The funeral- which was *always* going to be an event of this scale- cost the British taxpayer about 13 cents per person. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a Brit who didn't think that was reasonable. We can certainly have a conversation about the relevance of the monarchy to modern Australia (again. And again. We've been having this conversation for decades, we even had a referendum about it, this is not new ground we're covering) but not sure the *day of the queen's funeral* is the right moment. I would think even most republicans would agree that the scale of pomp and ceremony was warranted and inkeeping with over a millennia of tradition.