I've found apple cider vinegar diluted 50% with water and used to clean your face morning and night for a. month will also clear up acne. for anyone who can't afford the exy products this is a coat effective natural way to combat acne.
being excluded even if not deliberately is something I've had to get used to. my partner was unwell for close to 18 years and all our social circles dropped off as we didn't/ in fact couldn't follow the same trajectory as their lives (Including not having kids though I would have loved to) . Ive tried to adjust but accepting that friendships will move on or go different ways due to circumstances is something ive had to accept over time.
While the products are reasonable let's face it (no pun intended) this is primarily good marketing. the products are pricey and not for the everyday woman though the marketing suggests otherwise. like most brands there's a lot of hype. anyone on a budget has to walk by these. it's a shame they are not accessible due to price.