I can absolutely agree with this , it is terrible for people to experience . I am very sensitive to it as my mother experienced this exactly after becoming a widow. She got all of that behaviour , PLUS some lovely husbands of her friends hitting on her ...... all within months of my father dying !
@loz I absolutely agree !
Am I missing something ? This seems quite balanced and very well thought out ......you little one is eating quite a variety of foods for her age and seems to just be expressing preferences rather than being fussy ?
Sending you lots of love and strength for the toughest of battles , such a heart breaking journey for your family
Utterly heartbreaking for her family , for her children and the community . We have to do better ........there has to be reforms in this area
I grew up listening to Kamahl with my parents and am glad we never watched this trainwreck of a show !!
Beginning anything new is hard , gyms can be especially daunting as we are the other people seem so confident and able to do everything. more easily than we can (often looking awesomely fit in the process ) . Once you get into a routine most people are fine , but it's a hard slog at first
Looking from the outside of this issue I still could not agree more . Victim's families seem to receive help mainly from the community and there seems little govt help for them to call on ........and that should never be the case
Wow , I can only imagine what more life has in store for you . Happier travels I hope , to safer shores
The USA must be counting the days until they can rid themselves of this corrupt man
What a clever insightful daughter you have raised , you must be so proud
That's appalling and not likely to help the tourism industry there
This really should be a case of 'voting with your feet' if you don't like them then don't watch ! Their behaviour was despicable and they in turn seem pretty awful .....I won't be watching
This is absolutely disgraceful , the police are there to serve and protect not scare and intimidate . He helped a friend CONVICTED of domestic violence carrying on his abuse and terror tactics , he should have seen jail time but at an ABSOLUTE minimum he needs to be sacked ! No woman in their right mind would want to have to seek help from this police officer
We all need to stop giving this fool airtime ....... and his salads are OK at best .
She is a revolting example of white privilege , she honestly seemed to believe that because he was black that she had a right to feign fear of him and get her own way . A truly disgusting example of racism at work