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therealtruth August 12, 2024

In my opinion any parent who is on this app and over sharing or badmouthing their child/spouse that doesn’t speak to them anymore is the full reason why they don’t speak to you anymore. If you are willing to say such hunus and humiliating things so publicly about your children I can only imagine how much worse it was in private. You deserve to be estranged and it doesn’t give you a right to try and punish your child by publicly abusing them. Her and the few other EP on this app can twist the stories as much as they want but we see it in how you talk and what you say. Between the lines shows your true intentions.

therealtruth August 12, 2024

She also got a creators account BANNED from TikTok for false copyright claims after Dawn bullied and attacked the creator for almost a year because her DIL contacted the creator and thanked her for speaking on this matter. It was a means to silence the creator who had a direct line of contact with one of the people she was painting as the villain in her story, her DIL. Theres more, so much more and you can dive down this deep rabbit hole in the Reddit sub. I hope for peace for all she has hurt especially her family. 

therealtruth August 12, 2024

She also has attacked other creators almost “picking fights” with them purposefully missing the point or twisting the contents of the video to fit her narrative. She deletes comments asking legitimate questions and will block anyone who seems sus and questions “her truth”, even if it’s respectfully. She befriended estranged parents who then she turns on and throws under the bus or doxxed. One of her “friends” [KO] went on a tirade threatening and doxxing her oldest and his wife in the Reddit sub estrangedtoempowered. Then denied any involvement showing bits of texts between her and said “friend” somehow “proving” she didn’t condone what happened but surely didn’t try to stop it. 

therealtruth August 12, 2024

She has curated her account to specifically identify as a victim to not only her ex, her kids, and all the “angry” estranged adult children online as she states, don’t let that fool you she has done some hanus things over the past year and a half posting on TikTok, her blog (maliboogal and estrangedparentsrus) and went so far as to open a patreon where she charged to share more intimate details and stories about her children and her DIL not to mention the Reddit account she had where she admitted to having kids as a mistake.