User Comments

abracadabra August 12, 2024

@therealtruth It’s interesting that you twist things into badmouthing when she has only shared small snippets of her Estrangment story and always states that she does not blame her children- she knows the alienation was severe their entire lives. As far as the DIL, she has been very careful and the viral videos were a)words her DIL posted and b) Fired Mom admitting to what she - Fired Mom- did wrong. Countless other followers comment that it shows how much she loves her children when she talks about them- in the best possible way! EACs see what they want to see not what is actually there. 

abracadabra August 12, 2024

@therealtruth again- this isn’t the Reddit sub, which twists their own narrative to suite their means- to slander and harrass Fired Mom and other estranged parent creators. The subreddit rule of “no defending abusers” makes it so that nobody can share the truth of what happened with KO. 

As far as “picking fights with other creators” having commentary that doesn’t agree with other creators isn’t picking fights, unless what Monstah did and continues to do is “picking fights”.  

abracadabra August 12, 2024

@therealtruth wow. This isn’t the Reddit sub. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. There’s lots of stalking on your part it seems. The context to the last comment doesn’t include the fact that she realized she wasn’t prepared to have children with her upbringing. Isn’t it commonplace for adult children to say “you shouldn’t have had children until or unless your own trauma was dealt with?” 

abracadabra August 12, 2024

@therealtruth She used the process given by TikTok to have videos removed that were taken illegally and used with no commentary to reshare and leer at her for videos that she had grown past in her own journey….TikTok chose to ban ONE account that did this same thing to countless other estranged parent creators & had countless reports of bullying. This was a TikTok move on that one creator who caused so much drama in the community- not at the  of Fired Mom.