Having taught for almost 50 years mostly Year 12 classes may I suggest you reconsider your current position. Teaching should not be a distressing occupation. For your own mental health teach junior classes where there is less pressure and the chance for more fun. I loved Year 12 classes because more students were motivated and there was less time wasted disciplining kids who were playing up.
A casualty of the crisis has been the fear and panic engendered by the media and fostered by irresponsible social media. Dog whistling and scare mongering have obscured the fact that children are not at risk at school. Teachers are more likely to contract the virus. Having said that, no-one under 39 has died of the virus in Australia. Most 'victim's' suffer no symptoms at all and for some reason, unlike other pandemics, children are safe ( with the exception of those with very serious medical conditions who would not be at school anyway).