This is so devastating. I'm so glad you found the courage in that moment to have that conversation. You never know where it might lead and the more we talk about these crimes, the more chance there is of bringing them to light and protecting our precious kids x
@SEB I guess that's the point though.. it suits YOU not to bring your kids. For others, it's really stressful (and expensive) organising babysitters. Choice is key, no one is forcing you to bring the kids! We allowed kids at our wedding. Half the people had a night off and enjoyed themselves, the other half brought their little ones and had a better night because of it.
@rua At 15 you're not a "kid"! That must have made you feel so excluded.
@Lozenges I did the same at a wedding. My baby was breastfeed, 6 months old. My mum brought her the reception twice so I could feed. It worked out okay, but would have been so much easier to have her with me!
I am incensed with rage on behalf of you Julia. My blood is boiling! How many adults failed you?? What a horrifying experience for you and your brother and there were so many ways it could have been avoided! Harrowing stories like this from the past are far too common - it's like adults truly didn't care about children back then. Imagine this happening now, so many people in this scenario would be arrested for child neglect. I'm so glad to hear you've found some well-deserved peace, but I wish so many people hadn't failed you along the way :-(
I had an affair. I am female. Therefore according to society, I am evil / wrong / awful etc.