Lisa - no, honey! Pelvic floor therapy. If you can’t jump, or laugh or sneeze without peeing, you absolutely should be working on rebuilding your pelvic floor. Like any other muscle group, meet with a therapist and learn how to strengthen it. It CAN be restored. Even better, start working on it before pregnancy (i started at 14). Kegels (properly done!) are a great start. You don’t have to resign yourself to incontinence or prolapse. Most developed nations include that service for post-partum moms, because as you age and lose elasticity and muscle tone, the effects can get worse.
If you’re peeing your pants with laughter, sneezing, etc. especially post partum, you should see a pelvic floor therapist! It’s because your pelvic wall has been weakened, leading to increased incontinence. The US doesn’t regularly promote that service to new moms, and it’s so frustrating that most don’t know that you don’t have to resign to wetting your pants. Learn to do kegels effectively, and restore the muscles damaged by childbearing. It’s so worth it (and better orgasms too).