I don’t think it’s fair to expect people to allow children at their events. At the mother, you always have the option to decline the invitation if you’d prefer not to leave your child. I’ve had to skip quite a few events hosted by my single friends since I became a mother. That’s just how life goes. I always ask first if kids are allowed/wanted and make sure to stress that it is OKAY if they don’t want my children there. Why? Because they are my children. I chose to have them. I love my kids and I love spending time with them but that doesn’t mean other people will feel the same way. Why should I expect someone else to rearrange their preferences just because I had a kid? Especially when I am a guest at their event. Just image the opposite of what you’re suggesting. A single couple who doesn’t like children is invited to a house party. The hosts have 3 kids. The single couple then says “would be it okay if your children weren’t there? We don’t like children.” That would be ridiculous.