User Comments

emilyemily August 11, 2024

A spiritual perspective here - I think what you and many are intuitively picking up on is really worth a bigger conversation. I agree with you - I don't want cynicism and I love that Drew is creating space for a range of people to be vulnerable and share their stories.  What is sense is going on here though, is that Drew is connecting with the people in her interviews through the lens of shared pain, rather than shared power (very subtly I'll add). I am not necessarily saying there is anything wrong with this, but I do feel it explains why many of us have a sense of  'something is just a bit off here...'. As humans we have a innate desire to connect with each other. I believe we all equally want to be inspired, expanded and to know that we can go beyond what we currently know in any areas of life; to drop more and more into the fullest expression of our limitless potential. I haven't seen much of Drew's show tbh, but I have seen enough to feel that I want 'more' from a leader with this much exposure... As we are evolving in consciousness, I believe that it no longer feels 'right' for a lot of people (whether they are realising this or not) to almost 'indulge' in our suffering - we can for sure share stories of our pain; AND at the same time; focus on the empowerment that comes from going beyond any personal limitations that we create/have experienced. I don't feel like Drew currently has that level of deep genuine presence and embodiment of her own inner power to be able to allow us to all feel this as we watch....And nothing wrong with that; it just makes sense to me why I (and many) don't fully resonate with her approach.