My neighbours, a lovely couple married for 50 years now, count their true friends as the people who told the wife that they'd heard the husband was cheating. He wasn't, it was a case of mistaken identity, or rather, another fellow who was claiming to hold the job the husband actually did while seeing multiple women. When everything was straightened out, both husband and wife felt closest to those who'd had the strength to say something and they tell this story as a cautionary tale!
Thankyou for this, I am saving and following!
Beautiful looks for tall people! At 5'0", I look like a Victorian orphan in oversized jackets, and even more-so with wide-leg pants.
You look fantastic (I really love the pops of bright colour!).
Love this!
It's "new corporate"! Agree, not on point for very conservative workplaces like most law firms, but times they are a'changing even there.
For anyone reading this, please get some advice before you "pop Pty Ltd at the end" of your business name. "Pty Ltd" has a specific meaning and relates to an incorporated company. You should be set up that way to use it.