There’s a new kind of naming and shaming happening online, but there’s a twist. This time, mums are sharing pictures of their own pantries, fridges and bedrooms with the aim of outdoing each other when it comes to organisational chaos.
I’m pretty sure I’d take the crown. My current organisational system is called “shove it all in ’cause I’m too damn tired to work out where it goes.”
Inevitably, this means that each and every night I go searching for things; pulling everything out to find what I’m looking for. Because I can’t find what I need, I then go out and buy more. I currently have six bottles of sweet chilli sauce. Wedges, anybody?
If this sounds familiar, I have good news is: there are people out there who can help you (and me).
Yep, there is such a thing as a professional organiser and more and more people are calling on their services to help sort out the mess in their lives. Once reserved only for the rich and famous, professional organisers are now thriving businesses assisting people all over Australia in, well, just getting their shit together.