
Intellectually disabled people twice as likely to suffer preventable death, study finds

By Elise Worthington

When Maureen McIlquham’s daughter Michelle was discharged from hospital on a cool autumn night in 2009, she never imagined the 28-year-old would be dead in the family home just hours later.

“It’s got to stop. If something doesn’t change then more people are going to die and young people are going to die,” Maureen McIlquham told 7.30 as she held a photo of Michelle.

Like an estimated half a million Australians, Michelle McIlquham had an intellectual disability.

Her mother believes that fact influenced the doctor who discharged her.

“[The doctor] put in her notes, on her discharge notes, that Michelle had a temper tantrum, that was more upsetting, that she wasn’t sick, she had a temper tantrum, it was because she had an intellectual disability,” she said.

Michelle was sick with an ear infection, and was acting out of character.

The young woman, who loved singing and dancing, was barely able to speak.

She was rocking back and forth on the floor of the hospital, covering her ears and screaming.

“I said, can’t she stay, she needs to stay, she needs treatment, I thought the doctor would say yes, I was worried about her and it was a hospital,” Maureen McIlquham said.

“Eventually the doctor passed through and said, ‘oh, you are still here?’, she said ‘do you want security to help you out?’ I just turned around and the security guards were there.”

Seven hours after leaving the hospital, Michelle McIlquham stopped breathing at her western Sydney home.

“They tried to revive her, but they couldn’t. They couldn’t do anything, she passed away a few minutes after.”

For eight years Maureen has been tormented by the thought her daughter’s death was avoidable.

The coroner found staff didn’t intentionally discriminate, but did attribute some of her behaviour to the fact she had an intellectual disability, instead of a serious illness.

Preventable deaths twice average rate

Sadly Michelle’s case isn’t isolated.

Research released in the British Medical Journal today reveals a disturbing pattern of unnecessary deaths in the Australian health system.

Researchers at UNSW found people with an intellectual disability are twice as likely to suffer a potentially avoidable death compared to the general population.

“We found that one in three deaths in people with an intellectual disability was from a potentially avoidable cause,” psychiatrist and lead author Julian Trollor told 7.30.

"That is, a death that could have been prevented through individualised health care or through our normal health care systems or hospitals."

People with an intellectual disability experience a large range of potential risk factors for early death, including heart problems, high blood pressure and obesity.

"The reality here is that the proportion of deaths from preventable causes was over double that in the general population, so we feel this is quite a significant maker of a major health inequality for people with an intellectual disability."

His research also revealed people with an intellectual disability have an average life expectancy of just 54 years.

That's 26 years shorter than the general population and, in part, it's due to problems accessing health care.

"Firstly, health services are rarely equipped to meet the needs of people with intellectual disabilities and, secondly, health professionals are rarely trained in this area," Professor Trollor said.

"In addition to this we know that people with an intellectual disability will often experience communication difficulties in consultations, often a person with disability struggles to be enabled to be part of the conversation, struggles to be included in decisions around healthcare, and struggles to communicate their health care needs to the person they are seeing."

Disabled stroke patient not offered rehabilitation

Christine Regan and her daughter Erin Sheehy have experienced barriers in the healthcare system first hand after Erin had a stroke when she was 25.

"She was in great pain and it became clear by the morning she had lost her memory, her complete memory of everything," she told 7.30.

"She became paralysed, she couldn't swallow, she lost control of many of her bodily functions."

Erin has Down syndrome and an intellectual disability but was working two jobs and had an active life before the stroke.

After three days Erin's pain was under control and the doctor said she could go home, to Christine's shock.

"I said she can't go home, she can't do anything."

"His words to me were, 'look, she has Down syndrome, how hard are you going to try?' I was shocked by that." Christine said.

"I felt like I had been punched, physically … because I just knew this man had made a social decision rather than a medical decision and that was wrong."

Christine Regan was told the treatment for any other 25-year-old stroke patient would have involved at least 6 weeks' rehab, but this was not offered.

"I just want the same treatment that anyone else with the same condition would have," she said.

"We shouldn't be routinely not providing treatments or medications to people just because of other factors.

"If you have a condition, that condition warrants particular treatments. But not whether or not you are treated. You should be treated."

'More people are going to die unnecessarily'

It's a scenario disability advocate Jim Simpson, from the NSW Council for Intellectual Disability, hears about all too often.

"Some health professionals are still not seeing people with disabilities as equal people with equal rights," he told 7.30.

"Some of it is about training and skills, health professionals not knowing how to accurately treat and diagnose people with a disability."

"It can be hard because a lot of people with intellectual disability have limited communication."

Mr Simpson says the sector urgently needs funding for specialised health services in NSW and across the country.

"If we don't do it now, more people are going to die unnecessarily," he said.

The implementation of the NDIS will revolutionise the way people with disabilities access services, but researchers and advocates like Jim Simpson worry some services could lose funding during the transition.

"What we are currently facing in NSW is that the Disability Department has been funding some health services, those services are in clear peril with the implementation of the NDIS," Mr Simpson said.

"We are in big danger of going backwards unless the NSW government squarely commits to maintaining services."

Treatment shouldn't be a matter of pot luck

Professor Trollor is concerned there is no systematic response by government at a Commonwealth or state level.

"There are isolated pockets of specialised health services for people with intellectual disabilities that have been trialled in various states but there's no systemic availability of those specialised health services," he said.

Researchers are urgently calling for a national reporting system of deaths of people with an intellectual disability and compulsory training for healthcare workers as part of an overarching strategy to fix the problem.

A coronial inquest into Michelle McIlquham's death made 11 recommendations, which Bankstown hospital says it has fully implemented.

But Jim Simpson says the same can not be said for other hospitals around Australia.

"We are a comparatively rich country, we pride ourselves on the quality of our health system," he said.

"There's just no way that it should be pot luck about whether a person with intellectual disability gets decent health care, pot luck as to whether they live or die."

This post originally appeared on ABC News.

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