Remember the pressure of being a new mum?
When I first had my kids, I was a stickler for home-made food and I insisted on outlawing the “bad stuff” for my precious boys.
I looked down on other parents who offered their kids shop-bought rubbish and refused to make anything themselves.
Yes, I was one of THOSE parents.
And while I felt a fair bit of stress and pressure from outside sources as a new mum, it was definitely the pressure I put on myself that was the toughest to deal with.
At the time, I felt that the house just had to be clean, the dinner had to be fresh and the clothes had to be put away. Every. Single. Day.
And if I dropped the ball, even just a little? I was my own harshest critic.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Annabel Karmel. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words
But seven years of experience later, I can safely say I am no longer striving to be the “perfect parent” – because there is no such thing. And I make absolutely no apologies for that.
My kids are fed and clothed reasonably well but more importantly, they are happy. And isn’t that what matters? Not that I forgot to wash their sheets again this weekend, or that I’ve ignored the toy room mess for yet another week?
Like most other families, we lead busy lives. My partner and I both work and the kids do a variety of after-school sports. Our house is also halfway through major renovations – so yes, things are chaotic.
But here’s the thing: the longer you’re a parent, the more you realise that perfect parents don’t exist, and that there definitely isn’t any point wasting time trying to be one.
So my kids eat the occasional takeaway. Who cares? They also sometimes wear the same clothes for two days in a row, forget their library books occasionally and yes, they even fight.
But I know I’m a hardworking parent and almost everything I do is for the benefit of my kids. If that means I’m cutting a few corners here and there because I don’t have time to be perfect, then I refuse to feel guilty for this.