Bringing a new baby into the house is a big deal for every family member.
It’s exciting and it can also be quite daunting for everyone involved. Some kids will adjust better than others, some may get jealous and others may thrive off being your little helper. For those who have been following me for a while now, I’m sure you know that I go on and on about the importance of preparing our dogs for a baby in the house so I thought it’s time we look at how we can prepare our children for another baby as it is just as important.
Obviously how you prepare them will vary from child to child and also depend on what age your children are. Harper was only 18 months when Paxton arrived versus now when prepping both kids for baby number three they are both quite a lot older so we’re focusing on different things but the principles remain the same (Harps will almost be four and a half and Pax almost three). These tips are based on what we have done in both my pregnancies, plus the extensive reading and research I’ve done on this topic (yes, I’m a big nerd at heart).
Everyone responds to change differently, but here are my tips to help you and your family adjust and settle in a little bit easier to your new impending arrival.
1. Plan ahead and space out the big changes.
The one important lesson I learnt from Harper, is to try not to make too many big changes at the same time. Space them out, plan ahead.
The big changes may include; moving bedrooms, moving into a bed, toilet training, starting child care, moving house, and of course the arrival of a new sibling and I’m sure there are many more. For example, my due date is 13 weeks away now and we have just moved Paxton into his new room and a big boy bed! Gives him plenty of time to be settled in before the baby arrives.