It started to feel as if life had finally starting moving forward for us.
I had experienced infertility due to PCOS and was prescribed medication to assist in ovulation. Our doctor previously told us that if a pregnancy did not happen, then the next step would be the daunting process of IVF.
Sometimes I I honestly didn't know if we would never have a baby.
Every month we waited with bated breath until I finally discovered I was pregnant. We were beyond ecstatic.
I didn’t know it then, but my infertility was building my resilience for the challenges that were to come.
It was during my second trimester, when I was 16 weeks gone, that I started to notice a difference in my breast. My right breast had become hot, red, swollen and sometimes painful. I switched the under wire of my bra for a maternity bra and I shrugged off the changes as being a strange part of pregnancy.
Watch Check your breasts - a quick How To! Post continues after video.
I made this assumption because I was young and healthy. I had never broken a bone, spent a night in the hospital or had an operation. Getting sick just wasn't on my radar.