Do I really expect people to observe this one golden pregnancy etiquette?
There are certain privileges that come with growing a teeny, tiny human.
Everyone is super nice to you and always offers you a chair to sit on at events.
Everyone buys you presents (okay not for you, but for the baby, but still…presents).
People applaud you when you go for a second serving of anything. Even cake. Eating for two you know.
And you finally get access to the front seats on the bus. You know, the ones reserved for elderly/people with a disability or broken ankle/parents with prams/preggers.
The problem is all of those categories are fairly obvious…except for preggers. If you are old, you look old. If you come in on a wheelchair or struggling with crutches and a plastered foot, that’s a pretty obvious sign for people to get up. And if you have a pram, well, people fly out of those seats pretty fast.
But unless you are in your third trimester and have a basket ball belly, then well, you are a little screwed.
Even now that I’m in Week 15 of my pregnancy, my belly looks very similar to the many times I had a ‘food baby’ after eating a little too much.