
'I'm 8 weeks pregnant and my husband just told me he wants a hall pass.'

There are a lot of things pregnant women have to deal with on their journey to parenthood: morning sickness, an aching back, needing to pee all the time, extreme fatigue, tender breasts — the list goes on! 

Ideally, the woman's partner would understand if she didn't feel like having sex, but one expectant mother recently discovered that her husband is... less than understanding, to say the least.

In a recent "Am I the A**hole" post on Reddit, the woman explained her situation.

Currently eight weeks pregnant, she said that her doctor had advised her to abstain from sex until she reached the second trimester of her pregnancy, which is around week 13. It's not uncommon for doctors to recommend this, particularly if you've gone through pregnancy complications in the past.

"Prior to this I had two miscarriages last year and we finally have our rainbow baby," she explained.

But while the couple is thrilled about the pregnancy, the husband was less thrilled about the idea of having to temporarily go without sex.

"As excited as we both are, my husband decided to ask me for a hall pass to have intercourse with another woman since we cannot," she wrote. "He believes it is just sex nothing more (me: rolls eyes)."

Yep, you read that correctly. Then, she said that he attempted to justify his request by assuring her that it was purely physical and nothing more.

"He said he loves me and only me and that he wants to spend his life with me and our children but he 'has needs,'" she wrote.


The woman went on to say that she "got extremely upset and refused" his request.

"I told him we could get a divorce and he could be with as many women as he wants," she added, before asking the internet if they thought she was an a**hole for refusing his extra-marital escapade. For what it's worth, she assured everyone that he has always remained faithful in the past.

"In case anyone wants to know, no he’s not cheating," she said. "We are together literally all the time."

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Reddit's support for the original poster was resounding.

"What a douche bag," wrote one user. "How old is he? Definitely immature. Tell him you have needs too. Like having a decent husband."

"He's showing you the person who he is and you should really listen," wrote another.

Watch: What I Wish I Knew About The First Trimester. Story continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

Others were quick to note that if this is an issue for them now, it probably won't be smooth sailing once she reaches her second trimester. 

"She's probably going to have a longer period where she can't/won't have sex with him after baby is born," wrote one user. "And, from what other women with kids have said, that's usually a massive underestimate about how long it takes to both want and be able to have sex again after a baby."


"There are going to be much longer periods when you don't have sex once you have kids," wrote another. "And he will cheat, he clearly thinks he has the right to."

"What's going to happen when you're postpartum and in no condition or mindset for sex?" questioned another user. "Will he need a hall pass for that, too? Think really hard right now."

Plenty of people also had some sage advice about what it takes to be a supportive partner in a relationship and felt that he didn't fit the criteria.

"It seems like your partner is confusing wants with needs," wrote one user. 

"Marriage isn't a convenience store where he can pick up an extra packet of 'intimacy' when the home shelf is empty," wrote another. "If he can't handle a short-term change in your relationship dynamics, that's a big concern. Remember, it's not just about enduring the coming weeks, it's about building a foundation of trust and respect for the years ahead."

"Just save time and divorce him now," one person advised.

While it might be comforting to this woman knowing she has strangers on the internet supporting her, we can only imagine how stressful this period has been for her.

Hopefully she can find the strength and inner peace she needs to make it through a safe pregnancy.

Feature Image: Canva.

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