Year One

Mamamia Podcasts

1. The Fog

So you’ve had a baby. Congratulations! You've crossed the big nine-month finish line, cut the ribbon...or the umbilical cord…..and made it! The good news is that you’re now officially part of The Parents’ Club. The bad news is you’re probably getting around wearing a surfboard sized pad. So now what?  

This episode is all about THE FOG. Hosts Holly Wainwright, Christie Hayes and the Year One team of in-house experts find out what to expect in these first precious days, and why you’ll be keeping a diary to write in about poo. And not just the baby's. Yes, new motherhood is really all about the glamour.

Show Notes

Episode Guests: Midwife Cath  

Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes.

Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby