Making History: Australia's First Astronaut Is A Woman

The Quicky

Mamamia Podcasts

Making History: Australia's First Astronaut Is A Woman

Do you remember being asked what you wanted to be when you grow up? Some kids might say fire fighter, doctor or teacher and some will say they dream of one day heading out to space as an astronaut. 

But fast forward 20 years or so and very few of those dreams become a reality...except for in this case, the dream for one of those kids is becoming a reality. 

Katherine Bennell-Pegg has just recently started training to become the first Australian to go to space with our flag on her uniform. 

In this episode of The Quicky we find out what it takes to become a real life astronaut. What Katherine still has to overcome and what it feels like to be heading out of this world.

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Host: Claire Murphy

With thanks to: 

Katherine Bennell-Pegg: Astronaut in Training. Instagram

Producer: Claire Murphy

Executive Producer: Kally Borg

Audio Producer: Thom Lion