
A 'pink full moon' is coming on Friday to wreak havoc on your life. You've been warned.


Friday night’s full pink moon will be unlike any other.

However, don’t be fooled by its cute name. For one, the moon isn’t actually going to be pink – the name comes from The Old Farmer’s Almanac used by Native Americans who noted that the April full moon coincided with the blooming of pink wildflowers – and secondly, the astrological event it causes will signify a trying time for your love life.

Explaining the significance of the full moon, Sydney-based astrologer Pia Lehmann of Soul Scapes says that the full moon will bring up unresolved conflicts and test couples to try and find an equilibrium.

“There will be a make or break moment if a balance is not reached,” she tells Mamamia.

Luckily, you’ll have the four-day long weekend to really stew over, or preferably resolve, any arguments that might occur during this taxing time.

Or… er, not.


According to Pia, things could go amiss as Venus prepares to move into the house of Aries on April 21, as the planet of love and the sign of fire and fight are not exactly compatible. We’re also in the final days of Aries season which means we’re naturally all feeling a little more impulsive than usual.

“Aries is basically very competitive, it’s a fighting woman warrior and this means there could be a lot of disruptions in relationships,” she says.


This means small and seemingly inconsequential missteps have the potential to be taken out of context and blown way out of proportion, with both parties prone to stubbornly arguing their point purely for the sake of it.

Issues like someone forgetting to replace the toilet roll isn’t just a careless oversight, it’s a personal affront to the sanctity of the relationship.

Which they clearly don’t respect.

Because toilet paper.



Tanishka of The Moon Woman agrees and writes that “relationship lessons will be amplified so any unresolved relationship issues will come to a head”.

“Our challenge is not to descend into an ‘us and them’ mentality but rather strive for mutual beneficial solutions,” she continues.

“[Take] stock of your imbalances and undergo due diligence to correct them.”

UGH and don’t we know that’s easier said then done.

So batten down the (relationship) hatches and try and not overreact.

But if you do, just know that it’s not you, it’s the moon.

You’ve been warned.

Do you believe in astrology? Is the full moon making you particularly… irate? Tell us in a comment below.