Why wouldn’t you have one present at the moment you meet the love of your life?
There are two distinct camps when it comes to having a professional photographer present at the birth of your child. Those that think it’s a bit odd, kind of gross and all about getting happy snaps of your va-jay-jay as a head emerges from it, and those that think it’s a beautiful memento to have at the most amazing time in your life.
I had a professional photographer with me when my daughter was born last August. It was absolutely one of the best decisions I have made and I do not regret even a single grizzly shot. My logic was, you have a photographer on your wedding day, why wouldn’t you have one present at the moment you meet the love of your life?
My birth didn’t go quite as ‘planned’ (do they ever?). I was going to be calm and hypnobirth in the water. I wasn’t going to scream, make any animal noises and I definitely wasn’t having drugs. The delivery suite was going to be a sanctuary of love and peace and the photographer was going to capture all these touching moments where I looked like Blake Lively circa season 2 of Gossip Girl.
In reality, I was induced and hooked up to a pole and IV, I spent a lot of time vomiting, having violent diarrhea and generally looking, sounding and feeling pretty darn unpleasant. It was at some point around the 3 hours of hell mark when I was informed I was two centimetres that I demanded an epidural. The epidural failed and an hour later I was pushing. I was so incredibly exhausted that I refused to get out of bed and into the bath. I can assure you there was plenty of animal noises.