As if the cramps, cravings and mood swings didn’t make that time of month bad enough – there’s also a good chance that you’ll poop a whole lot more when you have your period.
Yep, good ol’ Aunty Flow also messes with your bowel movements.
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According to Dr Brad McKay, GP and former host of Embarrassing Bodies Down Under, there’s a range of reasons why you might experience a mass evacuation of bowels when you’re menstruating.
Some are simply a part of normal menstruation, while others might be a cause for more serious concern.
In the lead up to getting your period, you might find yourself retaining fluid and feeling a little bit constipated. Once your period arrives and your uterus decompresses, it’ll basically opens up the floodgates and all that fluid will need to leave your system.
“When you’re menstruating, it can open up the floodgates,” Dr McKay explained.
“Basically you’re opening up the door and everything comes out at once.”
All that fluid means you’re more likely to experience diarrhoea during this time. So it’s basically a case of what goes in, must come out – eventually.