
Waleed Aly schooled an anti-Muslim extremist on live television. And it was glorious.

After causing a national furore by dressing in Muslim attire and storming an Anglican church service on Sunday, the chairman for right-wing radical group, Party For Freedom, has been schooled by The Project host Waleed Aly.

Appearing on Monday night’s episode of the program to discuss his group’s “peaceful protest” – which included storming the building to interrupt Father Rob Bower’s sermon and yelling at parishioners through a megaphone – Nick Folkes told viewers, “I strongly believe not all culture is equal.”

Party for Freedom chairman Nick Folkes. Source: The Project.

Being questioned by panelist Steve Price, Folkes - who appeared on the episode wearing a stick-on beard in an attempt to mock the look of some Muslim men - said he and the group didn't feel they had scared anyone during the protest.

In response, Price yelled, "You were dressed up as Muslims, mate. How can that be sensible?" Folkes simply replied, "What's wrong with that? Muslims wear western clothes."

Trying to set the record on the misinformed comments, Aly interjected, laughing from shock. But as many extremists are wont to do, Folkes continued ranting, talking over the Gold Logie winning host.

When Folkes then suggested that Islam was a religion that is "completely intolerant", Aly could be heard sighing loudly.

Father Rod Bowers also appeared on the show. Source: The Project.

After further questions from Price, co-host Carrie Bickmore and fellow panelist Peter Helliar, Aly finally set in, asking Folkes - who believes multiculturalism is not harmonious - to clarify his comments on the immigration of Muslim refugees.

"Sorry, you find what offensive? The idea that we would accept refugees who happen to be Muslim, Nick? Is that the problem?" Aly asked Folkes.

"Yeah, well absolutely, Waleed" Folkes replied calmly. "I think that Australia's been very generous over the years and, you know, it's time to say no and we've got to concentrate on issues within Australia. Charity begins at home. It's time to start looking at some of the problems here in Australia, and, you know, we're [Party for Freedom] sort of prioritising what we need to do."

Steve Price questions the group's need to storm the church. Post continues... 

"So you're saying it would be a real problem if a Muslim ever, for example, hosted a TV show?" Aly replied quickly, his comment met with laughter from the studio audience.

Then, just moments later, Aly wrapped up the segment by saying, "Nick, before I let you go, may I compliment you on your quite Islamic looking beard, that's quite remarkable."

Mic drop.

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Top Comments

Margaret B 8 years ago

* “peaceful protest” – which included storming the building to interrupt
Father Rob Bower’s sermon and yelling at parishioners through a
megaphone –* - doesn't sound at all peaceful to me

Annette 8 years ago

Why is the Anglican priest so surprised at these actions by concerned citizens; he, the priest, has been kicking sand in the faces of the locals for years.

Salem Saberhagen 8 years ago

Advocating for tolerance and decency is 'kicking sand' in people's faces? Really? What sort of values would one hold that sees advocating being a decent, tolerant. welcoming human being and advocating Christianity as Christ himself advocated, as 'kicking sand'? I think Christ seriously disagree with you. It is those anti everything Jesus stood for; immigration, charity, kindness - you know, all those 'Christian' virtues, that are the ones kicking sand in the eyes of people who hold moral human values, Christian and non-Christian.