
Two kids in NSW drove 35km to get help for their parents trapped in a well.

Two children were forced to drive 35 kilometres to get help for their parents, trapped at the bottom of a well.

The tragedy occurred on the family’s property at Weilmoringle, northwest of Lightening Ridge in northern New South Wales.

The father did not survive.

On Saturday December 5, the 29-year-old father was installing a water pump at the bottom of the well when police say they believe he succumbed to fumes.

His partner, 28, then tried to save him, climbing into the well.

But she lost her footing on the way down, and fell 30 metres after the ladder rope broke, New South Wales Police said.

The couple’s two young boys, reportedly 12 and 13-years old, then drove 35 kilometres to a main road, where they were able to flag down a passing car.

Police and emergency services were called to the property at around 5.30pm, but they were unable to save the man.

He was pronounced dead on the scene.

The woman was rescued at about 1.15am on Sunday morning, and was airlifted to hospital.

She is being treated for shock and possible carbon monoxide poisoning, and remains in a serious condition.

Superintendent Jim Stewart from the Castlereagh Local Area Command said “It’s a large property, the kids obviously have the skills and the knowledge to be able to drive a vehicle 35 or so kilometres to get help,” the ABC reports.

“I can only imagine the panic the poor kids were in… If [the woman] had not been found, and certainly over time there could have been a very real chance that lady could have lost her life,” he said.

“Thanks to the response of those young boys, her children, I can only say how proud their mother would be of them and her family.”

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Top Comments

KM 9 years ago

This is just amazing, to think these kids managed to drive when they must have been in a state of shock and panic. Poor little things to have to go through that.