
Six million people have watched Kaitlyn's parents react to her hickey. The video's just that good.

On what we presume was an ordinary day in 2016, Kaitlyn Nolan came home from a night out.

Her parents greeted her at the counter, but rather than discretely slipping into her room, she was accosted after her father noticed a bruise on her neck.

Of course, that bruise was in fact a hickey. And gee her parents weren’t thrilled about it.

Their reaction to the intrusion on her neck was so good, Kaitlyn filmed it.

Only now on the two year anniversary of that fateful day, she decided to share the video on Twitter. It promptly went viral.

The video has been watched by almost six million people and shared 68,000 times since it was uploaded last week.

Probably because of this golden line uttered by her poor, poor mum.

“Kaitlyn, why are you laughing? Your neck is f*cking destroyed.”

The Irish accents might also have something to do with it.

Since becoming Twitter-famous, Kaitlyn said her parents are in two minds of footage of them swearing ‘on the net’.

“My dad is delighted with his new found fame but my Mam is less than impressed,” she told Ireland’s The Daily Edge.

We have a feeling our parents would feel the same.

Do you remember being caught with a hickey for the first time? Did it go something like this?

While we’re talking about parents and awkward sexy things, our parenting podcast found out the best way to bring up to topic of condoms to your teen below.

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Top Comments

Rush 6 years ago

For a start I thought she'd gotten a horrible face tattoo or something! Thank goodness it was only a hickey, imagine the reaction if she gets something pierced!