There is only one thing I hope for in 2015 and it is this.
As the year draws to a close it’s hard not to be sucked into the yearly ritual of looking back at the past 12 months.
The phrase I use every year is that we celebrated high highs and suffered low lows and this year is no different.
I smiled at stories that saw our community share love and compassion and come together as one.
Stories like the ‘letter to my daughter’s stepmum’ was the single most popular post this year.
Stories about holidays, family, weddings and parents proud of their child’s achievements.
I smiled at the responses to articles like the 'letter to my ex wife on the day of our divorce'.
I smiled because we supported each other as we discussed life in its rawest form. Emotive, real and stripped bear.
Any yet there are so many other topics that have caused us to act in the opposite way.
It was these other pieces and other responses that I am not proud of.
I looked over posts that had long lists of comments. Articles that, instead of bringing us together, saw us split in two.
These are articles that even I am guilty of writing.
And they all had one thing in common.
Parents judging other parents
If there was a parenting topic, parents argued about it.
Parents even argued about people not wanting to be parents.
We argued regular parenting debates like breast vs bottle, cry it out vs co-sleeping but we didn’t stop there. We argued about everything from books, to awards, to schools, to shoes.
In between all the good, all the articles that renewed my faith in humanity, I still saw so much anger. So much competition. So much judging.