
A mum's message for anyone who thinks a c-section is 'the easy way out'.

No matter how a mum gives birth, someone is going to have something to say about it.

After realising how many people thought of having a c-section as the “easy way out”, blogger and mother of two Olivia White posted a photo of her surgery incision to prove that no matter how a woman gives birth, it’s far from “easy”.

“This is what you really look like a few hours post c-section,” White captioned her photo.

“To anyone who thinks it’s the easy way out, we’ll try having a 6-inch gash in your abdomen like a gutted shark who had the body parts of the surfer it ate retrieved! That’s then sewn back together with fishing wire while it feels like your vital organs are trying to escape!”

She explains that while a spinal block administered during a c-section helps with the pain during the procedure, the drugs eventually wear off.

“After that, it’s like you’ve been hit by a bus which then backed over you just to make sure it didn’t miss you the first time!” she explains.

“If you don’t time the Endone exactly before the previous lot [wear] off then you will most certainly know you are alive (while wishing you were dead) and worst of all you’ll feel as if you’ll spend your entire life wearing nanna knickers up around your waist because the thought of anything settling in the canyon between your gut and pubic region is the stuff nightmares are made of.”

Listen: Bec Judd and Monique Bowley chat to Midwife Cath about having a birthplan (post continues after audio…)

And while it was hard, White says she has no regrets at all about having c-sections while delivering her children. “If it wasn’t for the ability to deliver my babies this way they might not be here today. Plus I reckon getting cut from A to B sounds way worse.”

Easy way out? Yeah, not so much.

Have you had a c-section? Do you feel judgement about the way you delivered your baby?

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Top Comments

Zepgirl 7 years ago

Every experience is individual. Some women have a vaginal birth and are up and around the next day as though nothing happened. Some women have a vaginal birth are have injuries that last a lifetime. Some women have a caesarean and are up and around the next day as though nothing has happened. Some women have a caesarean and have injuries that last a lifetime.

The issue is when someone extrapolates their individual experience to all other women. 'Oh my God, I don't know why any woman would have a caeser! I had my baby vaginally and I was completely fine! Why any woman would want to be gutted like a shark I will never understand!' Or alternatively, 'Oh my God, I don't know why any woman have a vaginal birth! I had a caeser and I was completely fine! My vagina is as perfect as it was when before I was pregnant!'

Some women have it ultra easy with their vaginal birth. Some women have it ultra easy with their caesarean birth. Everyone needs to understand that their experience is theirs alone.

Daijobou 7 years ago

Unfortunately, If someone is that much of a moron to believe a c-section is easy, no amount of photographs or facts is going to change their mind.