Celebrities have been talking about diets and workout routines for years, but now more and more of them are talking about weight loss medications they're taking, such as the injectable, Ozempic.
'Ozempic' is a brand name for diabetic medication semaglutide, which is used by those with diabetes to raise their insulin levels and thus decrease their blood sugar.
These kinds of semaglutide injections, which also go by other names such as Wegovy and Mounjaro, have a side effect of slowing digestion and making you feel fuller for longer.
For this reason, the drug is being rampantly prescribed off-label (not for its approved use) for weight loss, in order to help people feel satiated for longer and eat less.
It's not the miracle 'fix all' for everyone though. The fact that the drug is not approved for weight loss is one thing, but there are also a range of side effects that are causing some people trouble. And, as more people take it, stocks of the drug across the world are decreasing, causing shortages for the diabetics that need it.
Despite this, it appears that Tinseltown is full of celebrities who are using weight loss medications. Here is a full list of all the celebrities who have admitted to it.